
Showing posts from November, 2022

Nov 30

 Today we learned how to write a narrative essay for the EoC. We read a poem and had to write a narrative about it. We were the narrator's of our stories. All these stories had to revolve about what happenned after a kid went Baltimore and some random kid called the narrator a nigger. According to Mr. Rease the best way to write a narrative essay is writing it about a poem.

Nov 28

 Today we did some preparations for the EOC exam we have to take next week. We read 2 passages about changing or keeping the current people on certain currency. We were having a class discussion about who wanted to change the people and who wanted to keep them. We're going to keep doing these things until it's time for the EOC.

Nov 18

 Today we didn't have that many people in the class. So we just presented the poems we wrote yesterday. After presenting the poems we went to lunch. After lunch we got back to the classroom and Mr. Rease said we could make up any missing work or go to sleep.

Nov 17

 Today we read more letters from The Color Purple. Today we are supposed to create a poem from the letters we read. The name of the poem I'm creating is Never Give Up. Never Give Up Fight. I say. Most days I feel too tired to think. I stop the little trembling that started when I saw her coming. I keep my head up best I can. Don't let them run over you. You got to fight. I don't fight, I stay where I'm told. You got to fight them, she say.

Nov 15

 Today there was a field trip to go see the second Black Panther movie. I could've gone but I already saw the movie last Friday. Today in Mr. Rease's class we had to finish the assessment from yesterday. I believe I did well on every question except for the last one.

Nov 14

 Today we took an assessment/benchmark test. To me the test was pretty simple and easy, since most of the test is multiple choice.

Nov 10

Today there were some more people who did their presentations. This time I was actually doing the work I was supposed to be doing. I was able to complete my work on time, and turn it in.

Nov 9

 Today we presented on the letters we had to do from The Color Purple.  My group had the 11th letter. The 11th letter was mainly about Nettie leaving home, Celine becoming a parent, and Mister kicking Nettie out. In the end of the 11th letter Nettie returned home after Mister kicked her out.

Nov 3

 Today I was absent, because I had to look after my mom since she had a fever.

Nov 2

 Today we relearned how to place commas. We also had to write a letter to god after relearning how to place the commas. Today was a boring day for me, although I got plenty of sleep last night I woke up very tired. I nearly fell asleep today until it was time for lunch. After lunch I felt energized, guess I was just hungry, and I finished the work in Mr. Rease's class.

Nov 1

 Today we did an assignment based on the novel The Color Purple. We read the 7th poem in the book.